Terms & Conditions

I guarantee that the information provided in my registration is true;

I shall keep my username and password confidential and shall not allow others access thereto or the use thereof;

I accept that I shall be responsible for all account activity conducted as a result of any access obtained through the use of my user id and password, should I:

+ share my access rights with any other person by disclosing or allowing others to gain knowledge of my user id and password; or
leave my browser / mobile application unattended while in an active browser / mobile application session; or
in any other manner conduct or access my EyePro Account carelessly or negligently.
+ I acknowledge that my user id is EyePro's property and may be revoked or suspended at EyePro's discretion;
Should I become aware of any breach or attempted breach of EyePro's data security I shall inform EyePro's management without delay and in writing;
+ I acknowledge and accept that any use of my EyePro Account is at my own risk. Without limiting the generality of the aforesaid, I acknowledge that EyePro will not, under any circumstances, be liable to me for any loss or damages (including consequential, direct, indirect, special, punitive or incidental damages) arising from:

+ any defect or fault in my hardware and/or software; or
+ any failure or fault in connectivity to the Internet; or
+ the unavailability of the EyePro website / dashboard / mobile application for any reason whatsoever; or
+ any failure on the part of EyePro to carry out instructions given online under circumstances where such failure is the result of a cause beyond EyePro's control.

EyePro acts as an intermediary between the supplier, practitioner and the general public, acquires information from the suppliers, practitioners and general public displays all information in good faith.

EyePro does not guarantee the correctness of information acquired or supplied and can in no way be held liable by the Supplier, Practitioner or general public for any damages suffered acting upon such information.

Any dispute between the Supplier, Practitioner or General Public howsoever arising, which includes, a dispute regarding:

+ The value of reversals of invalid sales;
+ Any discount;
+ Any refund due to a purchaser;
+ Any overpayment;
+ The value of any transaction;
+ The debiting of any User's account

is deemed to be a dispute between the Supplier, Practitioner or General Public and EyePro is not a party thereto. EyePro will in no way be held liable by the Supplier, Practitioner or General Public for any damages suffered by such user pursuant to such dispute.

+ Billing will commence on the day the subscription has been purchased.
+ The subscription is a month to month subscription and no debit irders will take place.
+ Users will have the option of upgrading or downgrading a package if the quota permits.
+ Users will not be refunded upon downgrade but will be allocated credit for future purchasing


EyePro works with Payfast to execute its transactions and are bound the clauses below:

+ PayFast makes every effort to ensure the security and integrity of your account and we make use of sophisticated systems to accomplish this. You understand however, that there is a compromise made between the extent of these security systems and the inconvenience to you, the user.

+ You understand that security still relies heavily on the use of a username and password and undertake to contact us at once if you believe your username and password have been compromised, or if someone has transferred or may transfer money from your account without your permission.

+ PayFast strongly suggests that you use a web browser with 128-bit encryption or better. However, regardless of whether you use a web browser with security features or not, PayFast is unable to guarantee that data transmitted and is secure and/or will not be intercepted by third parties.

+ Phishing is a form of fraud where criminals attempt to access your confidential information. This is done by an email request for information, by luring you to a fake website or some other such means. In any case of phishing, PayFast will respond as quickly as possible to alert users to the threat or to mitigate the threat. No guarentee is given as to this action however, and PayFast will not be held liable for any funds lost as a result of a User falling prey to a phishing attack. It is the responsibility of the User to be aware of such potential threats, to avoid them and to report them to PayFast upon discovery.

+ PayFast reserves the right to implement any security measures deemed appropriate to lower or negate fraudulent transactions, which may result in certain payments a User (as a receiver), or from a User (as a sender), being disallowed.